Argos Auditorium Upgrades to Occur During Christmas Break and Beyond

With Argos students and staff out of the building for Christmas break, auditorium upgrades have begun. With, Christmas decorations are more exciting, especially when everyone works together.

This project was awarded to the company Pro Audio back in October and they’ll be working to modernize technology in the auditorium.

Superintendent Ned Speicher provided a brief synopsis of the project timeline.

He explained, “They’re going to do a lot of the work over Christmas break and then in January and February they’ll finish up the project and train us on the new equipment.”

Superintendent Speicher mentioned why school officials waited until the break to get this project started.

He noted, “The reason we’re waiting until over Christmas break is because we don’t have any events scheduled in there so it won’t impact any of our presentations or plays or programs or anything.”

Speicher stressed that even though the project will continue when students and staff return from Christmas break, there will be no impact on instruction.