Triton School Board Adopts 2020 Budget

The Triton School Board adopted the 2020 Budget when members met on Monday.

Information submitted to the Indiana Gateway for Governmental Units suggests that the school’s total budget estimate is $9,933,825 and the maximum estimated funds to be raised totals $3,422,462.

Superintendent Jeremy Riffle shared that school board members also considered a budget reduction resolution.

He explained, “We try to maximize our revenue and they (the DLGF) always come back and say ‘you need to cut this, you need to cut this’ and the resolution is actually the board giving permission to the business manager and I to make those changes as necessary without bringing that back to the board.”

Riffle noted that the school corporation’s business manager is Treasurer Tom McFarland.

The resolution was passed with a unanimous vote. The budget will now go to the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) for review.