John Glenn School Board to Meet Tonight

John Glenn School Board

The John Glenn School Board will meet tonight where the school board members will consider adopting a final bond resolution.

The board plans to use up to $1.9 million in the sale of the bonds to undergo some improvements.  Superintendent Christopher Winchell said the list of projects will be finalized soon, but parking lot improvements remain at the top of the list as well as LED lighting to realize energy savings, roof replacements, and the purchase and installation of one chiller.

The bond sale is set for Oct. 24 with the closing on Nov. 19.  The bonds will go through Jan. 15 of 2029.

In other business tonight, the building principals will have updates on activities, a resolution to transfer amounts from the Education Fund to the Operations fund will be up for board approval as well as an additional appropriations resolution, a TRF resolution, and a resolution approving amended post issuance procedures.

A public hearing on the proposed 2020 budget is scheduled when the board meets tonight at 7 p.m. in the John Glenn Administration Building on the campus of the John Glenn High School.