The John Glenn School Board members considered a resolution this week concerning how much the school corporation will invest in the Teacher’s Retirement Fund, according to guidelines in House Enrolled Act 1001.
Superintendent Christopher Winchell explained that the resolution allows the corporation to use the state’s two percent discount on what the corporation has to invest on behalf of the Teacher’s Retirement Fund. Winchell reminded the members of a previous discussion on the matter.
“We shared some general numbers at that time and said that it was our intention to include that in the negotiation process and to use that to offset Education Fund expenses,” said Winchell. “Now that we are in the process of settling the teacher contract and we have kind of an exact number at this time we brought the board the official resolution to approve.”
That total amount is $88,735. He mentioned that the number could change if the certified staff numbers fluctuate due to staffing adjustments.