Requests for Qualifications for Marshall County Courthouse Clock Tower Project to be Advertised

Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) for the Marshall County Courthouse clock tower restoration project will be advertised, following a decision made by County Commissioners Monday morning.

Commissioner Mike Delp informed fellow officials that they had to get the RFQs approved in order to get this project moving.

He explained, “We need to advertise and have an onsite visit with potential bidders on that RFQ.”

Commissioner Delp stated that he’s been coordinating with Principal Investigator Kurt Garner and noted that Garner has about three main firms that he intends to invite to the onsite visit, as well as a few more potentials.

Delp added that the proposed advertisement would indicate that RFQs would need to be submitted by Thursday, October 3rd and mentioned they would be officially considered during the Commissioners’ next meeting on Monday, October 7th.

No opposition was presented when commissioners cast their vote to advertise.