Plymouth School Board Chooses Contractor for $2 Million High School HVAC Upgrade

Plymouth High School will be getting more than $2 million in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system upgrades over the coming months. The school board voted last week to award the full project, including all four alternates, to Havel.

“We did receive four bids for the HVAC project at the high school,” Superintendent Andy Hartley explained. “The lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the combination of the base bid and all of the alternates is Havel, an Emcor company. They’re out of South Bend. The total cost of the base bid and all the alternates is $2,065,284, which was within the budgetary estimate for the scope of work.”

The project includes the replacement of the building’s chiller. Several classrooms will also get new unit ventilators, which should be quieter and result in better air distribution.

Hartley expects to see major work start in September. “We’ll create a schedule. There will be some movement of classes during that time frame in order to address those needs in the classrooms with the unit ventilators,” he said. “The chiller will be installed, probably, around November, is what we’re guessing. Everything then reconnected, I’m conservatively saying end of March is when it’ll be fully concluded.”

Funding for the work was factored into the bond issue for the Lincoln Junior High School building project.