Plymouth City Council Approves Tax Abatements for Two Companies

Two businesses planning to expand operations got further assistance Monday night after the Plymouth City Council members approved resolutions that confirm the adoption of certain real estate as an Economic Revitalization Area.

Vigilant Holdings, LLC, or Harrington Noodles, plans to move into a 6,000 square foot facility across from Pretzels, Inc. north of U.S. 30 west of Plymouth.  The building is currently under construction.  Officials hope to occupy the building in July. 

The expansion will allow for a slightly bigger operation for the production of Amish-style egg noodles in thin, medium and extra-wide sizes.  They can be found in area grocery stores. 

Harrington Noodles was granted a seven-year real and personal property tax abatement Monday night. 

The current operation is in Bremen where only four employees cover the production and shipping of several hundred cases of products a day.  Modern equipment and more employees will help keep up with increasing demand of the product.

Hoosier Racing Tire Corp. plans to expand operations at its Plymouth plant with a $2.8 million investment to produce a new type of motocross tire.  Equipment will be purchase to accommodate the venture with new employees in the mix.  The tire being produced is the fastest Motocross tire on the current market and it is in a global-wide demand. 

A multi-phase personal property tax abatement was approved by Plymouth City Council members Monday night.