Hometown Quality of Life Initiative Survey Now Available Online and at Community Events

There will be a few different upcoming opportunities for Marshall County Residents to participate in the Hometown Quality of Life Initiative survey.

Today, neighbors from across the region will be taking responses at the Argos Summer Kickoff Festival around 9 a.m. and the Plymouth Art in the Street Festival around noon. They’ll also be stationed at the Bourbon Food Truck Friday on Friday, June 28th around 6 p.m.

Officials behind the initiative say they want to know what sort of projects people want to see. For instance, they ask: Should existing projects be abandoned or expanded? Are there out-of-the-box ideas that you’d like to share?  They note this survey is about planning a bright future for every hometown in Marshall County.

In addition to being able to weigh-in in person at various events, the survey can also be accessed online by visiting MarshallCountyStellar.com