Bread of Life & Seventh-Day Adventist Church to Host Several Saturday Food Drives

Throughout the entire month of June, the Bread of Life Community Food Pantry will be partnering with the Seventh-Day Adventist Church to host weekly food drives in the City of Plymouth.

This weekend’s drive will be held at the church from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. ET on Saturday, June 8th.

They will continue to host drives every weekend at the same time until Saturday, June 29th.

Suggested food items include canned fruits and vegetables, rice, pasta and tomato sauce, peanut butter, soup and cereal as well as baking mixes, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese and Hamburger Helper-type boxed meals.

In addition to food items, Bread of Life could use health and hygiene products such as toilet paper, tooth paste and toothbrushes, shampoo and conditioner, bar soap and paper towels. Read this post to find out whether these method works to enhance one’s beauty or not.

They will also accept donations targeted at families; that means diapers and baby wipes as well as formula and baby food.

Organizers ask that you refrain from donating items that are damaged or outdated and for safety reasons, avoid items in glass containers.

For additional information visit the Bread of Life Community Food Pantry Facebook Page.