Plymouth BOW, City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works Safety members will meet tonight where they will discuss Operation Round Up funds for new CPR training equipment for the fire department along with a grant for a tactical protection vest. 

A sidewalk replacement request at 736 Thayer Street will be considered as well as a request for work in the right-of-way, and the P-Town Cruz’n Car Show.

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members will meet at 6 p.m. tonight followed by the Plymouth City Council meeting.

The city council members will consider a revision to an ordinance regarding the permitting of wireless facilities and wireless support structures within the public right-of-way.  Two ordinances will be read by title only on first reading which includes an amendment to the code of ordinances concerning the adoption of personnel policy by reference, and another ordinance that pertains to the registration of contractors.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi will discuss a certified proposal to amend the zoning ordinance for the City of Plymouth.

A resolution will be up for approval declaring the Plymouth-Goshen Trail an Economic Development Area and the approval of an Economic Development Plan for that area, and establishing an allocation area for purposes of Tax Increment Financing.

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety and the Plymouth City Council members will meet in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of the Plymouth City Building at 124 N. Michigan Street.  Those attending the meeting should use the Garro Street entrance.