Bremen Schools to Avoid Thousands in Peak Energy Charges By Waiting to Fire Up New Cooling Tower

Bremen School Board members were given a construction update from Superintendent Dr. White when they met last Wednesday.

Dr. White informed members that officials are working to secure core samples for the bus drive project that will help clear up some congestion and separate pedestrian and vehicle traffic.

He noted they’re also getting core samples for the proposed two story office entry.

He said they’re currently still in the architecture and design phase for that project which involves building an addition in front of the school in order to have a more secure entryway and central offices. Dr. White said they’ll likely begin “moving earth” on the project this fall.

Dr. White said another thing he discussed with members was the school’s new cooling tower and how they could save some money if they held off on firing it up.

He explained, “We’re going to be commissioning our new cooling tower at the elementary/middle school.”  

Dr. White continued, “They wanted to commission it at the end of April, I asked them to push that to the first week in May because if they will that will save us about $6,000 in peak energy charges.”

As a reminder, this new cooling tower replaced an older piece of equipment that was about three decades old. It was purchased and installed with a portion of the school corporation’s bond funds.