Bremen School Board Approves 2019-2020 Calendar

The Bremen Public School Board approved the 2019-2020 calendar when they met in a special Saturday session on February 23rd.

Superintendent Dr. Jim White said the matter was initially discussed during their regular meeting on Wednesday, February 20th but it was tabled until their Saturday session.

“My calendar committee we came back and we were going to move the start date of school back a week which would have had us starting the week of the 12th.”

He continued, “Historically, at least since I’ve been at Bremen, we have started the first full week of August, and that’s the week of the 5th and the board felt like that was a better way to go which is congruent with what we’ve been doing in the past.”

While they will be starting the week of August 5th, the first student day is scheduled for Wednesday, August 7th.

Superintendent White noted that two virtual learning days have been built into the calendar.

He added that school board members are in the process of considering the possibility of adding in e-Learning days into the curriculum as well. Dr. White said they would most likely cap the number of e-Learning days at 5. However, no official decisions have been made about e-Learning yet.

Click the following link to view Bremen’s full calendar for the 2019-2020 school year,