Bremen Officials Discuss EMS Status

The Bremen Town Council members learned this week that Lutheran EMS may be adjusting their services as of June 1.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy told the town council members on Monday afternoon that Lutheran EMS gave a 90-day notice of contract cancellation.  Weldy said the purchase of the hospital did not go in the company’s favor so they may not renew the contract with the town under the current conditions.

Weldy said a new proposal may be offered by Lutheran EMS that would eliminate one ambulance and charge $24,000 a month for service for six months, an increase of 25 percent.  Weldy said both the town and German Township split the cost of the service per month. 

Ambulance service may go out for bid at the end of the year, but Town Attorney Anthony Wagner reminded the council that the number of available companies has dwindled.  Wagner noted that he still needs to review the entire situation. 

A meeting is scheduled for today (Wednesday) to talk further about the situation.