Bids Opened for Plymouth Water Tower Painting Project, Quotes for Police Vehicles

Bids were opened this week for the Toroellipse North tower project in Plymouth.  The one million gallon tower will be repainted with other repairs scheduled. 

Seven companies bid on the project including six companies from Michigan and one from Pennsylvania.  The base bids ranged from $207,800 to $649,200.  Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson asked the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members to take the bids under advisement for a potential bid award during the next meeting on Monday, March 11. 

Plymouth Police Chief David Bacon opened two quotes for two new police vehicles.

Country Chevrolet provided a quote for two 2019 Dodge Durango SUV, all-wheel drive, police pursuit vehicles for $30,982 per vehicle.  They would accept a 2010 Dodge Charger at a trade-in value of $2,200 and a Ford Taurus in the amount of $900. 

Oliver Ford provided a quote for two 2020 all-wheel drive SUV police interceptors at a cost of $34,535 each.  The trade-in value for the 2010 Dodge Charger is $2,000 while the 1999 Ford Taurus trade-in value is $500.  The company also quoted 2020 hybrid all-wheel drive police interceptors at $37,706 with the same trade-in values. 

A representative from Oliver Ford noted the gas mileage savings with the new vehicles, especially with the hybrid which sports updated technology.

The quotes were taken under advisement.