Argos Officials Consider Adding Town Vision Statement to Wall in Municipal Building

Argos officials were reminded of the town’s vision statement during last Wednesday’s Town Council meeting.  

After highlighting some of the goals included in the town’s comprehensive plan and the accomplishments that have been made so far, Councilwoman Suzanne Umbaugh shared the town’s vision which is also included in the document.

She read the message into the record, “The Town of Argos will embrace its small town values of being a safe, friendly, rural town with high quality parks, public services and school system while promoting itself as a vibrant community that efficiently balances growth, builds a prosperous economy, creates places that enhance the quality of life and provides transportation choices that promote active, healthy lifestyles.”

Umbaugh had the words printed out and framed. Councilman Shawn Harley had an idea to have the message blown up so they could hang it on the wall behind where they sit for their meetings.

County Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt had a recommendation to help with the presentation.

“If I could make a suggestion,” DeWitt continued, “rather than blowing that up and putting in a frame, you could take that and have it all cut out and then you can put the letters right onto the wall and that may look even more professional.” 

A date for the proposed installation was not provided since the idea was simply pitched for consideration during the meeting. No official actions had to be taken but all of the present council members seemed to be in favor of moving forward with the idea.