Argos Officials Consider Adding No Overnight Parking Signs Near Downtown Apartments

In order to assist with street sweeping and snow removal, the Argos Town Council is considering the possibility of adding signage in the downtown area.

The topic was brought up President George Null at the final town council meeting in February.

Null asked, “The downtown apartments upstairs [residents], where are these people supposed to park, are they supposed to have their own off-street parking like a house?”

Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt noted that when you look at the size of the area that’s in place for apartment parking, it appears there is not enough space for all the residents to be utilizing that.

Councilwoman Suzanne Umbaugh asked if they were to limit on-street parking, would apartment tenants be allowed to utilize the Town parking lots. DeWitt said if the council wants to designate it that way then they can.

He added that as development in Argos continue, there will be even more people needing places to park so now is a good time to be thinking about where they want to direct vehicles.

Members discussed the possibility of erecting signs that would prohibit overnight parking in the area. They emphasized the importance of establishing a set time frame since the term “overnight” may mean different things to different people.

No official actions were taken but President Null suggested that members should be thinking about matter so they can take some action in the near future.