Bourbon Water Fund Gains Over $640 Following Cancellation of Uncashed Checks

The conflict of interest and nepotism forms that are presented annually came before Bourbon Town Council members when they met for their first meeting of the year on Tuesday.

Clerk-Treasurer Kim Berger said members also dealt with the cancellation of warrants that were outstanding for more than 2 years. She noted those were related to about $642 worth of town-issued checks that weren’t cashed.

Berger said the majority of the money was from water bill refunds that were never claimed. She mentioned that this happens most often when a tenant moves without leaving a forwarding address. The money from those checks was incorporated back into the water fund.

In addition to those items, members discussed the possibility of potentially having staggered council leadership in the future.

According to information provided by Clerk-Treasurer Berger, this would mean that members would establish a system of taking turns serving in the officer positions each year.

She noted some other local municipalities organize their councils in this way so everyone gets a chance to serve in a leadership role. No official actions were taken on the matter but the idea may be revisited in future meetings.