Lincoln Junior High School Construction Remains On-Schedule Despite Weather Challenges

Future two-story classroom wing of new Lincoln Junior High School. (photo from Plymouth School Board’s Dec. 11 project update)

Crews working on the new Lincoln Junior High School had to deal with colder-than-average temperatures last month. Project Manager Derek Anderson told the Plymouth School Board Tuesday that weather slowed down construction slightly.

He noted that certain roofing products depend on temperature. Masonry work was able to continue, thanks to the use of temporary heated enclosures made out of scaffolding and plastic. Anderson said that with warmer temperatures predicted for the coming week, crews are hoping to get the rest of the walls up on the two-story classroom wing before it gets really cold.

He added that the masonry contractor expects to be able to start working on exterior walls next month, something that wasn’t originally expected until April or May. Meanwhile, about 90 percent of the underground plumbing is in.

Anderson said that in spite of last month’s weather challenges, no major changes have had to be made to the plans, and the new Lincoln Junior High is still on track to be done in March of 2020.

Mid-November aerial view of Lincoln Junior High School construction site. (photo from Plymouth School Board’s Dec. 11 project update)