Argos School Board Adopts Policies Related to Board Transition

Argos School Board members took one final step in the process of transitioning from an appointed school board to an elected one when members met Monday night.

Superintendent Ned Speicher explained that the members passed some updated NEOLA policies that reflect the change. Now that the restructured policies have been adopted, school officials have completed their part of the process. Speicher said all that remains now is next month’s election.

Speicher said, “We have the election coming up in November, it’s our first school board election and we just encourage everyone to get involved and go vote.”

As a reminder, three people will be voted onto the board in the General Election. While the new members will be determined at that time, they will not take office until January 1st of next year.

The school board is a five-member board but due to term differences, two of the appointed members will remain on the board for the time being. Monty Peden and Jennifer Hurford will retain their positions this year, but eventually, their seats will also be up for election.