Plymouth School Board Approves Continuation Agreement with New Tech Network

The Plymouth Community School Corporation will continue its relationship with the New Tech Network for another two years. Last week, the school board approved an agreement that will keep the corporation’s four project-based learning schools in the New Tech Network through June of 2020.

Over that period, Plymouth Schools will pay $24,400. Superintendent Andy Hartley said that’s a lot less than what the school corporation has paid in past years. “A couple of reasons for that: Number one, we just try to be good fiscal agents of our taxpayers and of our tax dollars,” he said. “At the same time, we’ve really developed a strong capacity within our project-based learning environments thanks to their help, and it’s always been their goal, in their communication with me, that they build that capacity and then begin to kind of let loose. So we’re at that point now, and we’re proud of that.” Hartley added that no General Fund dollars will be used on the New Tech agreement.

He noted that the school corporation has partnered with the New Tech Network since the launch of the Weidner School of Inquiry. Plymouth’s project-based learning program has since expanded to all grade levels.