Argos Town Council Sets Dates for Preliminary Budget Hearings

Argos Town Council members set the dates for their preliminary budget hearings during their meeting last Wednesday.

The hearings were set for Monday, July 16th and Tuesday, July 17th, according to Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney. She added that they will most likely be held in the evening, around 6:30 p.m. on both days.

She said at that time, department heads will collaborate with the council members to start creating a budget for the 2019 budget calendar year.

Mullaney said in the meantime, department heads are currently going over and filling out “Form Ones.”

“It has the past two years worth of their budgets, like how much they budgeted, how much they spent.” Mullaney explained, “So they usually go through those and are like ‘Okay, this and this can stay the same but we might need a little bit more money for this because in our five-year plan we budgeted for this so we need to put that in here.’ ”

Mullaney mentioned that once council members and department heads come to an agreement about the various aspects of the budget, the completed Form Ones will be put into Indiana Gateway for Government Units. She said these preliminary hearings will just be one of the first steps in the budget process.