Students, Staff Members Recognized During Plymouth School Board Meeting

Plymouth school students and staff members who are making a difference in their community were recognized by Superintendent Andy Hartley during Tuesday’s Plymouth School Board meeting.

Plymouth High School student Cameron Riddle recently made some major upgrades to the area behind Washington Discovery Academy. “He spent a couple years to reinvent that outdoor learning space behind Washington,” Hartley said, “and [we] were actually able to go out and help, just a couple hours, not compared to anything that he was able to put into it, just to move some brush. But then to be at the event opening that to the students was really great. They were excited to walk through that and to see what’s been done for them, and so we’re thankful to Cameron and the leadership that he provided to make that happen.”

Not only does the Plymouth Community School Corporation receive donations, but Hartley said students and staff have also been recognized for giving to the United Way of Marshall County. “Our students at Riverside won the student competition this year that they have annually, and then our staff won the faculty award, as far as the school district that gave the most per individual, and then we were third overall in the giving,” he said. “That’s just a great organization. A lot of people put a lot of time and energy into that, but we’re also proud of what our people were able to provide and contribute to that.”

Also during his remarks Tuesday, Hartley recognized the Jefferson Elementary School Robotics Team for its efforts at the recent world championships. “They received the judges’ award in their class or division,” he explained. “They didn’t win, but they stood out in such a positive way to the judges. They go through and interview and kind of see the passion that the kids have, the knowledge that they have about that. And so we’re really proud of them and thankful to the support that they were given, the work that they’ve done.”

Hartley also reported that the State Board of Accounts arrived Tuesday for a regular audit.