CF-1 Forms for Pretzels Inc and Zentis Food Solutions Considered at Plymouth City Council Meeting

Plymouth City Council members reviewed the compliance of particular companies where tax abatements were granted when the CF-1 Forms for snack manufacturer Pretzels Inc. and the food product supplier Zentis were considered during Monday night’ city council meeting.

Zentis received their tax abatement in 2012 while Pretzels Inc. had an abatement granted in 2016. Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver said that after reviewing the forms and finding no issues, members approved the CF-1 forms for both companies.

Pretzels Inc. also submitted 103 Forms pertaining to the company’s Economic Revitalization Area status and an equipment list with any new additions, both of which need to be filed with the county.

Clerk-Treasurer Xaver explained that those forms were listed on the agenda because the company submitted them along with their CF-1 Form. However, Xaver noted that the city council doesn’t have to take any action on those forms. She said they will now be passed along for county officials to consider.