Plymouth Fire Department to Pay for Medications for Ambulances

The Plymouth Fire Department will now begin paying for medications supplied in the city’s ambulances.

Fire Chief Rod Miller told the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members last week that the St. Joseph Regional Medical Center will begin charging the city for the pharmaceuticals and supplies that were provided free of charge. He said the hospital is no longer able to supply the needs for free.

Miller said the city will be billed once a month for what is invoiced. He will be asking for an additional appropriation later in the year to cover costs. He anticipated a $5,000-$7,000 impact on the fire department’s medical supplies budget. According to LAC Healthcare Solutions, narcotics and non-controlled substances that are used on the ambulances would be purchased. Some substances can be purchased elsewhere, if the department can find them at a cheaper rate.

The board members did unanimously approve the agreement between the city and the sponsoring hospital.