Plymouth City Council Discusses Resolution for Future Tax Abatement

The Plymouth City Council members Monday night reopened the public hearing from the last meeting that included discussion surrounding a resolution to consider the River Gate South Development, LLC as an economic development target area and an economic revitalization area. The approval of the resolution would set up the River Gate South housing development project for a tax phase-in for seven years, meaning no real estate taxes would be paid the first year but it would phase in until full taxes are realized after the 7th year.

Councilman Gary Cook reviewed his comments from the last meeting. He says his constituents believe that the city has given enough in taxpayer money toward the project and they don’t support the tax abatement.

“That includes $1.5 million from the city, $1.5 million from Regional Cities, and then there are numerous expenditures for acquisitions of properties. There was payment for some of those properties to be demolished, professional services for land surveys, right-of-way purchase, legal fees, and quite a few other expenses. I feel the taxpayers have put forward their consorted effort to make this a reality,” commented Cook.

Resident Mike Delp spoke in favor of the project.

There was no further comment from the public or the council.

The council voted 6-1 to approve the resolution. Councilman Gary Cook voted no.

Developer Scott Sivan mentioned that the project at the corner of Michigan Street and Lake Avenue is moving along. NIPSCO crews are relocating lines and the footbridge was recently delivered. The placement will be complete in a couple of weeks. Sivan said framing should start in the next few weeks which should put the project on schedule to open by early summer.