Tread in the Shed: Environmental Education Presentations and Walking Tour at Centennial Park

If you’re interested in learning about the environment and seeing what local conservation looks like, come out to Centennial Park today for the ‘Tread in the Shed’ event hosted by Marshall County Soil and Water Conservation District. The event will feature presentations about topics such as, habitats, predator birds, stream bank stabilization, water quality, the importance of watersheds and rain gardens.

The District Coordinator of Marshall County SWCD Debbie Palmer said he whole event will take about 2 hours, running from 10 a.m. to noon, and there are a few 15-20 minute presentations. She said that the walking tour will take place primarily in the shade, so the heat shouldn’t be an issue.

Palmer stated that presentations will cover a variety of topics with a number of presenters, including herself. She will be speaking about watershed education as well as an upcoming rain garden project at the park.

Pat Knight from Songbirds of Northern Indiana and Kim Hoover from Hoots to Howls Wildlife Rehab will be bringing birds and providing facts about the creatures as well as speaking about animal rehabilitation.

The other two presentations will come from representatives from Cardno Inc., an environmental consulting agency based out of Walkerton. Cardno was responsible for the stream bank stabilization project in Centennial Park so John Richardson will be speaking about that and Tom Estrem will cover water quality.

The event is open to individuals of all ages. The first presentation will take place at the Lion’s Shelter, near the shuffleboard courts off Randolph Street.