Crews from the Indiana Department of Transportation are working on a resurfacing project on U.S. 31 from State Road 10 to 13th Road in Marshall County.
According to INDOT Media Relations Director Doug Moats, the passing lane is being milled and underdrains are being installed. Workers are also preparing the subsurface with patching. This part of the process should be complete in two weeks, depending on the weather. Once that is complete, crews will start paving the passing lane. The passing lane should be complete by the end of July.
Traffic will shift to the passing lane once it’s complete so the same process can be applied to the driving lane.
A hot mix asphalt surface on the driving lane and shoulder will complete the last phase of the project.
The Marshall County Highway Department is receiving the millings from this project for use on county roads. Highway Supervisor Jason Peters previously mentioned a large cost savings as part of this endeavor.
The U.S. 31 resurfacing project is bundled with the State Road 17 project. Crews have been moving back and forth from both projects to keep on schedule. The mainline paving on State Road 17 south of Plymouth will be complete when the approaches are paved. That work should be done the week of July 17.
The U.S. 31 portion of the project should be complete on Nov. 8.
The total cost for both projects is $7.7 million.