State Fire Marshal Urges Proper Live Tree Disposal

christmas-treeChristmas is over, and Indiana State Fire Marshal Jim Greeson reminds Hoosiers to properly dispose of their live trees.

When a tree starts to drop needles, it means it is too dry and should be removed from the home, according to Greeson. He says dry trees are a fire hazard. The National Fire Prevention Association notes roughly one of every 34 reported home fires that begin with a Christmas tree resulted in death, compared to an average of one death per 142 total reported home fires.

All decorations should be removed before disposing of the tree.

Many communities offer a disposal or pickup service for Christmas trees. In Knox they can be dropped off at the brush pile behind city hall.

Recycle Indiana has a statewide list of Solid Waste Management Programs, which can found here: This service allows Indiana residents to locate waste management district and disposal options in their area.

If disposing of a Christmas tree at home, treat a tree as garden waste. Do not lean the tree against any structures, instead place in designated decomposition pile. Placing the tree in a garden or backyard can provide winter shelter for birds and other wildlife. Another option is chopping the tree for firewood for summer bonfires, or indoor use next winter when the wood is properly seasoned.