Human Trafficking Focus of Upcoming Indiana Youth Institute Program

news-3The dangers of human trafficking and exploitation will be discussed during an event Friday in Rochester. The Indiana Youth Institute is teaming up with Purdue Extension in Fulton County for the presentation.

Indiana Trafficking Victim Assistance Program Regional Coordinator Ian Hurst will explain what human trafficking is and how to identify risk factors. The presentation will focus specifically on the impact human trafficking has on young people. According to the Indiana Youth Institute, more than 60 cases of trafficked or exploited youth were investigated by Indiana State Police in 2015.

Friday’s event will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Purdue Extension at 1009 West Third Street in Rochester. The presentation and lunch are free of charge, but reservations are required. The event is part of the Indiana Youth Institute’s Youth Worker Café program. Click here to register.