Sheriff’s Department Upgrades Dash Cams

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner
Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner

The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department is updating several of the dash cameras in its police cruisers.

During Monday morning’s Marshall County Commissioner’s meeting, Sheriff Matt Hassel made the request to purchase three new dash cams. The catch is that the company typically used for such purchases is getting out of the business.

Hassel says the Sheriff’s Department had to research different companies.

“We’d like to go with Digital Ally. This year we need to purchase three cameras,” says Hassel. “The model is an DVM-800.”

Each camera will cost about $4-thousand. Typically the Sheriff’s Department requests two cameras each year to rotate them but an extra camera was made faulty, requiring a third purchase.

Due to the switch in the companies being used, Marshall County would also have to purchase the software of the new company Digital Ally to observe and store the video taken while on patrol.

Hassel says they are making a trade-in on the deal.

“We have one unit to trade in. I think at the time of the quote they thought we had three,” says Hassel. “But we’re going to only trade in one. So that makes our total cost with freight $12,155.”

The company selected for supplying the cameras will provide set-up and security services to Marshall County.

The Commissioners agreed to make the purchase, unanimously.