Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects Moving Ahead in Plymouth

Plymouth IndianaThe City of Plymouth is moving ahead with some additional work at its Wastewater Treatment Plant. On Monday, the city’s Board of Works ratified the award of a quote for roof replacement at three of the facility’s smaller buildings.Millwood Roofing and Construction was the only company to submit a bid for the project, at a cost of $8,417, plus $3.50 per sheet of plywood, in the event that some of the existing plywood needs to be replaced.

The city also opened a bid for the installation of a concrete floor, which Plymouth Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson says will pave the way for some new equipment at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, “We have an existing concrete structure, which we are installing a floor into it, to where we can put a bio-filter in there, which blows the fouled air through the wood chips media and removes the odor-causing agents.”

The only bid for the floor installation came from Papczynski Construction, for a cost of just under $20,000. Davidson plans to review the bid, before it goes back to the Board of Works for final approval at their next meeting.

Additionally, the city received two quotes for the demolition of structures at 805 and 809 West Harrison Street.