Culver Main Street Pursuit Aided Through Non-Profit Status

Culver Welcome SignCulver is attempting to improve its downtown area, but they’re asking for more volunteers to help with the process.

The Town is engaged in discussions with representatives from the state’s Indiana Main Street Program. It’s designed to enhance economic development and revitalization of downtown areas in communities across the state.

For several months, Culver has held preliminary discussion about the venture, but are at the point where they are prepared to take more serious action. Among those, according to information provided on the community’s Town Gown and Lake listserv, is using the help of the Second Century Committee. This will allow the group to operate as a 501c3 organization going forward, but with the aim of improving Culver.

The group currently stands at around eight members, but are hoping to attract more volunteers to reach 16 members. To drum up some volunteerism, the group is holding a call-out meeting this (Tuesday) evening at 6:00 p.m. at Culver Town Hall.