Stay Safe When Winter Weather Hits

winter-weatherSignificant amounts of snow are in the forecast. Officials with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and Indiana State Police recommend avoiding unnecessary travel once the snow starts. If you do have to go out, make sure your cell phone is fully charged. Have a vehicle emergency kit, non-perishable food and bottles of water in your car. Top off your gas tank so you will have ample fuel to stay warm should you get stranded.

Before you set out, clear snow away from headlights, taillights and all windows. Reduce your speed and increase your following distance. Headlights should be on at all times to ensure other motorists can see you. Keep in mind four-wheel drive vehicles will go through snow easier than two-wheel drive, but they do not stop any faster.

Local media reports are the best source of weather information. Do not call police agencies to ask for road and weather conditions, as doing so can hamper emergency communications.