Plymouth to Host Town Hall Meeting to Discuss Marshall County Vision

MCEDC-217x300Plymouth residents will have the chance to give their input on the future development of Marshall County during a town hall meeting tomorrow. The Marshall County Economic Development Corporation is hosting the meeting to discuss the Marshall County Vision.

The MCEDC describes it as an initiative to raise awareness of the needs facing the county, as well as to come up with ways to secure funding and implement long-term plans to meet those needs. Some of the proposed plans include extending the Metronet, creating more affordable housing, increasing workforce development efforts, and repairing and maintaining over 900 miles of roads. The corporation has been giving presentations about the vision to various towns and civic organizations around the county.

MCEDC President and CEO Jerry Chavez said in a statement that the county already has the tools necessary to get funding to improve the community. The county just needs to reach a consensus on how to implement them.

Tomorrow’s town hall meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. at the Plymouth Council Chambers.