Culver Town Hall Meeting Looks to Reach Economic Development Consensus

MCEDC-smallResidents of Culver may have a say in Marshall County’s economic development planning.

That’s the goal of a meeting taking place this Saturday. The Marshall County Economic Development Corporation says it will be sharing its vision for Marshall County in the form of town hall meetings. Several presentations have already been given to various towns and civic organizations.

MCEDC is asking residents of Culver to gather information for how the lake community fits into their overall plan.

The economic development organization says that the timing of the meeting is strategic given the recent Regional Cities Grant Funds announcement – which will allocate a portion of $42-million to Marshall County. In addition, MCEDC says it is developing its own county-wide economic development plan. Any consensus reach on the document will affect the county going into the future.

The meeting will take place at 10:00 a.m. EST.