Plymouth School Board Approves JESSE Contract

Plymouth School CorporationThe Plymouth School Board has approved an agreement with neighboring school corporations to help save resources and money.

During Tuesday night’s meeting, school board members considered the agreement and some of its changes. The JESSE cooperative includes a contract that is approved by participating school corporations on an annual basis.

Plymouth Schools Assistant Superintendent Andy Hartley says the contract proposed for 2016 has changed very little from the previous year.

“The only changes from the past agreement are: when it comes to dealing with a conflict or disagreement in the service district,” says Hartley. “Where there are three different service districts. We’re our own service district so it really doesn’t even apply to us.”

JESSE involves school corporations from Marshall and Starke counties. The cooperative provides special education resources to students residing within the districts of the school corporations.

Plymouth Schools administrates the program with some of the smaller schools taking part. Earlier this year, some of the school corporations began delivering certain special education services on their own.

The Plymouth School Board had little discussion on the contract, approving it unanimously. It is awaiting approval from the remaining school corporations.