Many things cease during the summer months such as snow and school but there is one thing that never ceases and that is the need for blood donations. According to the American Red Cross every two seconds someone in the U.S needs a transfusion. The Culver Union Township Public Library is doing their part by hosting a blood drive from noon until 5 pm tomorrow. You can do your part by turning up to donate.
Adults have approximately 10 pints of blood in their body. Only one pint is extracted during the donation process and that one pint can potentially save 3 lives. In order to be eligible to donate you must weigh at least 110 pounds and have two forms of identification with you. To have a successful donation maintain a sufficient level of protein in your diet, have a healthy meal beforehand and be sure to hydrate regularly, the ARC suggests drinking an additional 16 oz of water prior to and following your donation.
The American Red Cross has been providing blood to patients in this country since 1940, join the organization that has been saving citizens for 75 years by donating tomorrow in the public library located at 107 N Main St. in Culver. If you’re ineligible to make a blood or platelet donation you can still assist with a monetary donation to the organization. In order to set up an appointment or receive more information call 1-800-733-2767[1-800-RED-CROSS].