New Culver Town Manager Learning the Ropes

A bit of time has passed since Culver introduced its new Town Manager, and learning the position while meeting a few of the Town’s challenges is presenting an opportunity.

Jonathan Leist accepted the position in December of 2014. That’s after a month’s long search for a replacement for previous Town Manager Dave Schoeff.

Leist – who comes to Culver via the Huntington County government – says he has spent time meeting with various groups in the Culver community during his short tenure.

“Previously I felt like I was definitely an expert in my particular area, and now it’s like you have to be a generalist in so many different areas and so it’s kind of trying to bring myself up-to-speed with the different departments and what they do and how they deliver their services as efficiently as possible and all those kind of details,” says Leist.

Culver is in the process of planning infrastructure updates to its storm water system, water towers, and plant facilities. Leist says he plans to involve himself heavily in the completion of those projects.

He also says he’s helping to develop plans to meet a few of the Town Council’s objectives.

“The Town Council and some of the other groups in town have been focusing on affordable housing and demand for housing in general in the area,” says Leist. “What things we can come up with, what sort of strategies fit the town and would help meet some of those needs.”

Leist says he has not been making recommendations on two of Culver’s most contentious issues.

He says changes to the Culver EMS Department and the Wind Energy ordinance were largely discussed before his time, even considering the discussion to be between the Town Council and various department heads.

Leist was introduced at the Culver Town Council’s on February 24th.