Helpful Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season

The holidays are a time of social gatherings with lots of decadent foods and elaborate decorations. However, what seems like a winter wonderland to humans can actually cause pets a plethora of problems.

Dr. Sandra Norman, a veterinarian with the Indiana Board of Animal Health has a few helpful tips to keep in mind this holiday season to ensure your four-legged friends stay as safe as possible. Continue reading

Make Independence Day Celebrations Safe and Fun for Everyone

According to the American Humane Society July 5th is the busiest day of the year at animal shelters because animals frightened from Fourth of July celebrations flee from their homes in fright and are found miles away, exhausted and disoriented. If your pet is typically upset by loud noises such as vacuums, doors slamming or thunder be sure to take the proper precautions during your Independence Day displays to ensure that your pets stay put and remain as calm as possible. Continue reading