Indiana Looking to Add More Contact Tracers, Update Procedures

Indiana is looking to update its contact tracing procedures, amid the surge in COVID-19 cases. Back in May, the state contracted with a company called Maximus to launch a centralized contact tracing center to ease the burden on local health departments. But now, the Starke and Pulaski County health departments say they’re being inundated with cases, and they need to hire part-time nurses to keep up.

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Indiana to Centralize COVID-19 Tracing

Indiana is centralizing the COVID-19 contact tracing process. Up until now, it’s often been up to county health departments to contact those who test positive, ask them about potential close contacts, and then reach out to those people. State Health Commissioner Dr. Kris Box announced Wednesday that the state is contracting with a company called Maximus to launch a statewide call center and notification system.

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