Students at a couple of area corporations are in class today to make up for days missed due to weather. This was an optional day for both Culver Community and North Judson-San Pierre Schools based on the calendars adopted for the 2015-16 school year. Both ended up using today as a make-up due to inclement weather.
Indictment Handed Down Against Multiple Robbery Suspect
The man accused of carrying-out a string of robberies in Northern Indiana was indicted on Wednesday, and cooperating authorities say an “ongoing criminal nuisance” has been stopped.
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Suspect Sought in Connection With Wednesday Burgulary
The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department is searching for a burglary suspect. Continue reading
Snead Selected for Argos Town Council
After losing a tie-breaker vote following November’s Argos Town Council race, Charles Snead will soon be seated on the council after all. In November’s General Election, Snead and incumbent Dustin Johnson both received the same number of votes. That left it up to the other sitting members of the council to make a decision, and they went with Johnson, the incumbent Democrat. Continue reading
Culver CVS Updates Inch Along As Plans Become Clearer
The Town of Culver has taken a step that will pave the way toward an eventual update of the town’s CVS Pharmacy location.
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Plymouth Entering Contract Negotiations for Safe Routes Construction Engineering
The City of Plymouth is preparing to move the process forward on the community’s Safe Routes to School project.
The program is federally sponsored and is intended to provide safe walking or biking access to and from school for area children. In addition to safety, the 2005 program was also partly designed to combat childhood obesity.
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Culver Schools Plans Better Cooperation with Town
The Culver School Board Monday learned about some of the ways the school corporation is working to better cooperate with the town. Continue reading
Plymouth Man Arrested on Slew of Drug Charges
Plymouth Police say they executed a search warrant on Tuesday afternoon resulting in the arrest of a Plymouth man.
Plymouth Chips Away at Sidewalk List with 2016 Projects
The City of Plymouth has prepared for updates to certain sidewalk sections for 2016.
As part of the Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan, project lists are expected to be brought forward on an annual basis. The City of Plymouth’s Street Department updates the sidewalks approved by the Board of Works and constructs sidewalk ramps for wheelchair accessibility.
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Culver Town Council Rejects Revisiting Flouride Issue
The Culver Town Council appears to have had a slight change of heart from their previous meeting regarding the use of fluoride in its drinking water supply.
At their previous meeting, interest was expressed in revisiting the issue after a decision to include fluoride in the water supply was settled late last year. Flouride is commonly used as a method of preventing tooth decay.
Timber Sale Planned for Mill Pond Woods
The Marshall County Commissioners have approved a timber sale in the Mill Pond Demonstration Woods. Continue reading
Culver Schools Finalize Plans for Spring Intercession
The Culver Community Schools Corporation has finalized some of its plans for the April intercession period. The intercession is a one-week period immediately following spring break, in which students who are struggling with certain classes can work to improve their grades. Continue reading
Impaired LaPorte Driver Arrested Following Multiple Phone Calls
A bit of erratic driving may have landed a LaPorte man in jail in Marshall County.
Plymouth Stays the Course on Water Flouridation
The City of Plymouth has decided to continue the use of fluoride in its drinking water supply.
Plymouth considered suggestions to remove the supplemental agent from its water supply after a member of the public brought the issue forward. During Monday night’s Plymouth Board of Works meeting, additional information was gathered.
Culver Town Council Considers Revisiting Flouride Issue
The Culver Town Council will revisit an item from their previous meeting that may ultimately determine how the community fluoridates its water.
Statewide Tornado Drill Set for Today
Indiana residents are encouraged to take a few minutes today to make sure they know what to do in case a tornado strikes. Officials are planning statewide tornado drills this morning and again this evening. Continue reading
Cannabis Discovered Inside Vehicle with Five Children in Tow
A speeding vehicle led to the arrest of a South Bend woman on drug-related charges.
Mobile Home Park Owner Disputes Marshall County Permitting Requirements
The owner of a couple of mobile home parks appeared before the Marshall County Commissioners Monday, saying he should be exempt from the county’s permitting requirements. Ralph Costello, who owns the Gatewood Estates and Creek Side mobile home parks, says he should not have to get a permit every time his parks decide to move or demolish a mobile home, since the parks predate the county’s zoning laws. Continue reading
Plymouth Pair Arrested on Multiple Drug Possession Charges
Plymouth Police attempted to serve an arrest warrant late last week, but wound up with quite a bit more.
Officers responded to the 1300 block of West Jefferson Street on Friday to provide 40-year-old Joshua Manns of Plymouth. While at the residence, officers say they noticed the smell of narcotics.
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Plymouth May Consider Removing Fluoride from Drinking Water
The City of Plymouth may be the next community to consider removing fluoride from its drinking water. Last week, the owner of a local naturopathic health business raised the issue with the city’s Board of Works. You can navigate here to know more about it. Joyce Maxwell-Downs told the board that although the chemical is added to improve dental health, it may also cause some health risks that people may not realize. Continue reading