The Culver Town Council members discussed the possible moratorium on large industrial solar systems and utility scale battery energy storage systems Tuesday night.
The Bremen Town Council members will hold a special meeting Thursday, August 17 to take public comments concerning changes to the golf cart ordinance. The council approved the first reading of the ordinance amendment in a previous meeting.
The John Glenn School Board members recently approved the purchase of food service equipment for Urey Middle School, North Liberty Elementary School and Walkerton Elementary School.
Marshall County Sheriff’s Department deputies responded to an accident in the intersection of King and 7th Road in Plymouth Sunday, July 23 just after 5 p.m. ET.
The Culver Town Council members will meet tonight where they will hear from Janette Surrisi concerning the possible regulation on industrial solar energy systems and utility scale battery energy storage systems under the town’s zoning ordinance.
ARGOS — On Wednesday night, the Argos Town Council held its last meeting in July and on the agenda was an amendment to the Lot Coverage Zoning section of the town’s zoning ordinance.
Plymouth High School has cleared the way to offer an Esports “team” for the coming year to let virtual athletes compete against others and increase their skills.