FBI Searching for Kidnapping Victim: Jose Luis Muro Del Real

Photo Provided
Jose Luis Muro Del Real with daughter Alejandra Diaz. 

PLYMOUTH — A local man and beloved father and husband has been missing since September 2023. According to his family, Jose Luis Muro Del Real flew to Mexico to see his mother who was sick and never returned home. The family has reason to believe that he has been kidnapped – the FBI is offering a reward of up to $3,000 for information leading to his recovery and / or the identification, arrest, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for his kidnapping. 

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Public Access Counselor Luke Britt Clarifies Finding on Plan Commission Violation of Open Door Law

MARSHALL COUNTY — Earlier this year, Indiana Public Access Counselor Luke Britt issued an opinion in response to Formal Complaint 24-FC-11 as filed by Deborah Johnson that the Marshall County Plan Commission violated Open Door Law by discussing unauthorized topics during an executive session. That violation has been referenced or mentioned in Plan Commission, County Council, and Commissioner meetings since the original finding. Since that finding, Britt has provided clarification indicating that with more information he would not likely have even found a violation and that the finding was meant to be used for educational purposes only. 

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Marshall County Commissioners Hear Updates, Holds Public Hearing, Makes Appointments

Brent Martin appeared before the Marshall County Commissioners during their last meeting on behalf of Shannon McLeod of Priority Projects to open the Owner Occupied Housing Project Bid for homes 5, 7, 8 and 9. This is a Regional Stellar Initiative grant funded by IHCDA. Brown & Brown General Contractors submitted base bids below the $25,000 per project per home; some of the alternates exceeded the $25,000. The Commissioners took those bids under advisement to hear recommendations in July.

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Commissioners and Council approve MCHD requests, discuss Bowen Building

By Jamie Fleury, Pilot News Staff Writer

PLYMOUTH — The Commissioners and Council both approved requests for the Marshall County Health Department and are researching the possible acquisition of one of the Bowen Center buildings to house the department.

The Council approved Marshall County Health Department Administrator Sandy Dunfee’s request to apply for the Public Health and Emergency Preparedness Grant in the amount of $25,000. The Indiana Department of Health offers this funding through its Emergency Preparedness Division. Dunfee confirmed that this money reduces the amount she requests from the General Fund which can be used by others across the County. Though the application process can be time-consuming, she considers fiscal responsibility a priority in her work.
The Commissioners also approved the pre-payment purchase of washer and dryer sets from Lowe’s with grant funding for school nurse’s offices in schools that want to participate.
Both government bodies discussed the possible purchase of one of the Bowen Center’s buildings to accommodate the Health Department. Rent at the Community Resource Center is costly, needed expansion of the department would result in a substantial increase. The Commissioners made a motion to allow Attorney Jim Clevenger to determine if the current appraisal is sufficient; and to pursue a second if necessary. It will be up to the Council to explore funding.

Marshall County Plan Director Required to Seek Council President’s Approval for Certain Expenditures until Solar Moratorium is Placed

The Marshall County Council approved a motion to require Marshall County Plan Director Ty Adley to seek Council President Jesse Bohannon’s approval for legal and advertising expenses prior to incurring such expenses until a Solar Moratorium is placed by the Commissioners.

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Plymouth Police Officer Krynock Charged with OWI – Endangering, Operating a Vehicle with an ACE of .15 or More

Plymouth Police Officer Stuart Krynock is scheduled to appear in court for his initial hearing on June 25, 2024 in Marshall County Superior Court No. 2 at 8:30 a.m. regarding Case No. 50D02-2405-CM-000564 State of Indiana v. Stuart A. Krynock for the following CM – Criminal Misdemeanor Charges: 

9-30-5-2(a) & (b)/MA: Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Endangering a Person, and 

9-30-5-1(b)/MA: Operating a Vehicle with Alcohol Concentration Equivalent to .15 or more. 

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Marshall County Tourism Organizes board, Meets Again Today, Public Welcome to Attend

Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury The Marshall County Tourism Commission met for the first time on May 23. They will meet again on Monday, June 3 at 5:30 p.m. Shown in photo from left to right: Matt Hovermale, Brian Teall, Angel Balsley, Tracy Houin, Wyatt Stephan, and Jim Hartung. Mark Damore Jr. was not present.

The Marshall County Tourism Commission met for the first time on May 23. They will meet again today (Monday, June 3) at 5:30 p.m. in the Commissioners Room 203 of the Marshall County Building.

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Plymouth Common Council Updated on ProPEL U.S. 30 Level Two Analysis

The Plymouth Common Council was updated on the ProPEL U.S. 30 West study by Project Manager for CMD Smith Brett Lackey during the last regular meeting. The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) started the Planning and Environmental Linkage (PEL) studies, known as the ProPEL U.S. 30 and ProPEL U.S. 31 to evaluate the transportation needs of the corridors which total 180 miles across 12 Indiana counties. Plymouth is impacted by both U.S. 30 and U.S. 31; including the major intersection.

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