No fieldhouse, but improvements are on the way at Bremen Schools

BREMEN — While Bremen won’t have a new field house, the school corporation will still start the process of some improvements in the coming year.

The proposed field house was part of the READI grant request for the town of Bremen. The town received the grant, but the amount was lower than asked for, putting the proposed facility on the back burner for other higher priority projects. Bremen Superintendent James White told the members of the School Board that the building wasn’t feasible for the schools without a large input of financial support from the town, but the corporation will pursue the same route of working on some needed improvements around the facilities as part of a general obligation bond issue.
White said security of the buildings was a high priority and would like to re-locate the administrative offices at the high school to make the front entrance more secure. He told the board that paperwork for an agreement with the town for a School Resource Officer was underway and would like to include an office in the renovation for an SRO.
White also pointed to the need for a commercial kitchen in the schools as a tool for the Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) curriculum.
A culinary program at Bremen would be limited without access to such a kitchen. He said that the Ag department could also utilize the kitchen as part of their food science education.
White also mentioned the HVAC system at the school that needs an upgrade but said that because of the funding needed, it would be a more long-term project. The current HVAC is not efficient, and at times, rooms can be uncomfortable, but he told the board that the corporation could keep the system running in the interim.
The Bremen School Board will next meet on March 12.