Mayor Listenberger gives the “State of the City” address

Plymouth Mayor Robert Listenberger presented his “State of the City” address to the Plymouth City Council on Monday night.

Listenberger began by highlighting the city’s business advances in the year, pointing to new businesses located in the city and stating that the city’s “retail presence is stronger than ever before.”

Infrastructure was on the list of advancement, with Listenberger pointing to a wastewater control facility put in place near the neighborhood center, west water tower improvements, and water main projects on East Jefferson and west Lake Avenue improving water quality for the city.

Listenberger also pointed to continued cooperation with the Marshall County Regional Sewer District in addressing issues in the lake properties around the city’s boundaries.

He pointed out several projects — Hoham Dr., Gibson, and LaPorte Streets — that were completed or substantially completed with the Hoham Dr. project finally concluding after 17 years.

Road projects for 2024 were completed under budget and Listenberger pointed to the 2025 program’s goal of doubling the amount of work done with the receipt of a Community Crossings Grant for the coming year.

Listenberger praised public safety departments — Police and Fire — and pointed to the fact that the Police staffing was at 100 percent.

Listenberger highlighted the city’s “quality of life” with the park’s department and events like the “Mayor’s Summer of Music”, stating there would be more progress on the city’s trail system.

He told the council that he would continue to seek ways to grow the city population and increase per capita income.

Listenberger closed by thanking all of those in the community and government for their previous efforts and continued efforts with projects for the city.