Incident near Argos brings investigation

ARGOS — On Feb. 21 at 4:32 p.m.,​ Marshall County Central Dispatch advised of a reckless driver near the construction zone at 13th Rd. and U.S. 31. ​

The vehicles involved both continued south on U.S. 31 to the Argos area. The vehicle that was reported as originally driving recklessly was described as a black Ford F250 with cargo in a cardboard box in the bed of the truck. During the incident,​ the reporting party had apparently been following the black Ford for several miles in a white pickup truck. The black Ford involved later drove off of the roadway and into a corn
field near the area of 17th Rd. and Kenilworth Rd.,​ south of Argos. ​
During the incident,​ the reporting party advised that the driver of the black Ford had displayed and shot a
firearm while standing in the field. ​
The black ​Ford pickup was not located by officers when they arrived in the area during the initial call. Officers later conducted a search of the corn field and performed subsequent interviews. No evidence was found that any firearms were involved in this incident. The investigation of the case is complete,​ and a report will be forwarded to the Marshall County Prosecutor’s Office for any potential criminal charges.