A Swearing – In Ceremony was officiated by Honorable Circuit Court Judge Janette E. Surrisi on Monday, December 30, 2024.
An Invocation was led by Jim Masterson. “Heavenly Father, we thank you Lord for this day. Your word says the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much and we call upon that today, Lord. We just pray, Father, that everyone that is being sworn in today has a cooperative effort to be able to reach out to touch one another on whatever committee or whatever job they’ve been appointed to and elected to. We just pray, Father, for full cooperation from all of the bodies that you have elected. We ask you, Lord, to bless everyone that’s here today and we pray, Father, that we would be receptive to the Holy Spirit so that we can do your will as we are about to be sworn in to these various jobs. We thank you, Father God, for everything that you’ve done for each and every one of us but most of all Father we thank you for your Son and our risen Savior Jesus Christ. All these things, Father, we ask in your name. All of God’s people said – Amen.”
Judge Surrisi asked anyone who served in the military to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Judge Surrisi advised the elected officials on the proper process for filing their paperwork after their oath was administered.
Judge Surrisi stated, “I hope you feel on day one and day one hundred as blessed as I feel to serve Marshall County. I know that you have the hopes and dreams of Marshall County on your shoulders right now. I wish you to do great work at Godspeed.”
Those present who took their oath on Monday were County Treasurer Sandra L. Dodson, County Coroner G. Dean Byers, Deputy Coroners Ward S. Byers, Bryan D. Byers, John Grolich, John Lampkins, and Justyn Wade, County Commissioners Jesse Bohannon and Adam Faulstich, County Council Steven Gorski, Tim Harman, Jim Masterson, and Brandon S. Schadek, and Clerk-Treasurer Town of Bremen Meghan Atkins.
Each elected official solemnly swears to support the Constitution of the United States of America and the Indiana Constitution and to faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of their office according to law and to the best of their ability so help them God.
Any elected official not present for the ceremony Monday will be obligated to be sworn in by the Marshall County Clerk of Courts or their local Town or City Clerk-Treasurer.