PHS Riley’s Dance Marathon Trunk or Treat to Raise Money for Children in Need

The public is welcome to join Plymouth High School (PHS) for a Trunk-or-Treat event to raise money towards the PHS Riley’s Dance Marathon (PHSRDM) which raises funds for Riley’s Hospital for Children every year. 

PHSRDM Club Sponsors Hannah Jacobs and LeaAnna Masson are excited about the event. There will be candy, games, music, hot chocolate, and a Trick or Treat Trail. 

The event is free to attend, but any donations collected are appreciated and will be added to the PHSRDM annual donation.

A $5 donation is being asked from those individuals or organizations who want to sponsor a trunk. Please come in costume and decorate your trunk! Registration is required to sponsor a trunk. Guests will be invited to vote on their favorite trunk ~ the winner wins a gift basket! Please email or Jacobs at for a link to the Google Registration Document. 

Volunteers are also needed to make this event a success. 

Other ways to help would be to donate a bag of candy in case any of the trunks run out of treats! Donations can be brought directly to Plymouth High School – please mark Attention: LeaAnna Masson.

Jacobs stated, “For me, raising money for Riley’s Hospital for Children is all about thanking them for the years of dedication and commitment they showed me. It’s all about the kids!!”

Masson wants all the public to know they are invited! This event is not just for PHS students. “We have several Community members and PHS Clubs volunteering to pass out candy for our Trick-or-Treaters, and we will have special appearances from the Plymouth Fire Department and Traveling Tom’s Coffee Truck!! There will be games, music, tons of candy, and refreshments! It is a free event, but any donations made will go directly to our fundraising total that we send to Riley’s Hospital for Children every year!”