Triton Board hears budget talk

The Triton School Board heard information on money issues in their regular meeting on Monday.

Superintendent Jeremy Riffle updated the board on the budget for 2024 saying that the state’s growth quotient was 4 percent and that would be the limit to any increase in the tax rate. No big increases are expected for the coming year in the school budget.

As far as bus replacement the corporation will purchase one new bus in the coming year. The Corporation normally budgets for two buses a year.
The board approved an “intent to purchase” agreement to lock in the price for the new bus and place the order in hopes of a sooner delivery. Normally the provider requires a purchase order but agreed to accept the intent agreement to begin the process.
The purchase will be of a regular 66-passenger bus at a cost of just over $130 thousand.
For capital projects, the corporation has no new major projects on the books for the coming budget. All projects would be for general upkeep and maintenance of the school facilities such as paving, ceiling and floor tile maintenance, and sidewalks.
The school normally spends around $50 thousand on masonry repair per year at the various schools. The budget will only be for items to complete “routine maintenance in the new budget. Sidewalks around the campus will also be part of the budget for 2024.
The school corporation was updated on several capital projects that were undertaken over the previous year that continue to move steadily forward.
Work in the school auditorium is nearing completion. Fencing on the south side of the campus has been completed.