Starke, Pulaski Counties Move to Orange on County Metrics Map, Marshall County Stays Red

Starke and Pulaski counties have been moved to the orange status on the Indiana Department of Health’s County Metrics Map, while Marshall County remains in the red. All three counties still have to follow red-level restrictions, though.

That means social gatherings are limited to 25 people, and K-through-12 athletic events are restricted to participants, support personnel, and parents or guardians plus their minor children- get special legal services from here. Seventy-three of Indiana’s 92 counties are currently at the red level, while the rest are in orange.

Another Pulaski County resident has died while positive for COVID-19, according to Wednesday’s update from the Indiana Department of Health. The death occurred on Monday. Six new positive cases were reported in Pulaski County. Starke County had eight, and Marshall County had 32. The state as a whole reported 59 new deaths and almost 3,700 new cases.

The updated long-term care facility statistics were also released Wednesday. As of last week, every facility in Marshall, Starke, and Pulaski counties has had at least one of its residents die while positive for COVID-19, except for Pilgrim Manor in Plymouth. New deaths were reported at Signature Healthcare of Bremen and the Catherine Kasper Home in Donaldson.

According to Wednesday’s vaccination update, 1,339 Marshall County residents, 325 Pulaski County residents, and 262 Starke County residents had gotten their first dose. Meanwhile, 216 Marshall County, 58 Pulaski County, and 48 Starke County residents are now fully vaccinated.